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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Constipation after drinking alcohol - Senna is gentler than dulcolax

         I believe the alcohol is the reason for my constipation and stomach pain because it started the same time I started to drink. I turned 21 years of age 18 days ago. I drank at least 10 shots or several beers about 12 of those days. Constipation after drinking alcohol I have been sober for a couple days and plan to stay sober for a long time. When I wake up in the morning I have diarrhea and go poop 3-6 times within the first hour, then I don't go the rest of the day. I go a decent amount, but I think that over the past two weeks a deposit may have been building up. My question is should I take a laxative to help me go? They definitely work and have done good for me in the past, but they cause a lot of discomfort and pain in my stomach region. And I am also in moderate pain from drinking so much alcohol. I fear the laxative could turn things nasty in my intestines and whatnot considering the toll alcohol has taken on my body. Son, you need to start making better decisions with your life. Switch to gin and prune juice.

         You could try a gentle laxative like dulcolax. I have no idea how the constipation after drinking alcohol would affect anything, though. You could also just eat some dried fruits (think prunes and apricots.) They would be the gentlest method, more than likely. You could also go for an enema if you're really desperate, but I wouldn't suggest it since you're having pain and cramping.

Constipation after drinking alcohol

         Keep in mind we don't fucking know. You should take reddit's advice only if you can't get cheap medical care through your university, if you're a student.
I might try eating yogurt or kefir (kefir if you can get it, yogurt otherwise). You may have fucked up your gut microbes with all the constipation after drinking alcohol.

         Sounds like you drank your stomach into some serious acid production. Take a zantac daily and see if that helps with the stomach pain. Also a stool softener like colace should help with the constipation. Increase your fluids and try to eat some blander foods for the next week. [Read More]

Senna is gentler than dulcolax. Here's a good algorithm:

  • Start with dried fruit, eg., prunes and dried apricots, or prune juice. Get some more fiber and fluid in your diet. The fiber should regulate both the diarrhea and the constipation.
  • If you don't poop well after a day or two, try a Senna tablet, or a Senna Plus tablet (which adds in a stool softener.)
  • Wait a day. If that doesn't work, try Milk of Magnesia. This is good mixed with prune juice.
  • If THAT doesn't work after a day, try a suppository, like a glycerin or dulcolax

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Constipation pregnancy symptom - How I fixed my week 7 constipation

        My newest Constipation pregnancy symptom (week 7 today, tomorrow starts week 8 for me) is the joys of feeling like you need to/are going to poop but then nothing happens… for 3 days, (aka constipation). I did several things today that resulted in the birth of my giant BM. Today was day three without a real BM. I drank some peppermint tea yesterday night and this morning but to no avail. Every time I was went to the bathroom during the day, I was just straining and straining for some relief. When I got home from work I took my dog on his usual walk and by the time I got home I felt the need to BM really badly. I sat down and got frustrated for the next 3-5 minutes. Then I remembered I read something on the internet about how the “seated position” of a toilet can cause constipation pregnancy symptom to be worse and result in undue straining. It also mentioned something about how our ancient ancestors never pooped sitting, they always squatted and therefore we humans evolved to poop while squatting. Being that I live in a city, I don't have some quiet woods to poop in. Then I had an idea! I grabbed the kitchen stool, plopped it in front of the toilet, propped my feet up and wal-la squatting position achieved! Also, biggest dump of my pregnancy (thus far) achieved. Hope this helps!

        I realize many people may be grossed out by this suggestions, but I'm going to share anyway because someone might find it helpful Anal play is a pretty big part of my sex life so I don't have any issues touching my butthole. If you need to poo and can't, use two fingers and massage your butthole gentle and firm the same way you would your clitoris. This should immediately trigger the pooping reflex if you're not used to it. Since I'm used to it, this only triggers poo if I really have to go bad and am constipated. if lube helps a penis or dildo go in-- it will help poo come out. Since it's designed for this as one of it's main purposes, it's safe to apply it to your butthole.

Constipation pregnancy symptom

I am 9w today and I feel your pain, literally!

        I was on a cruise last week and if you've ever cruised, you'll know the toilets are a joke. They have no real seat and they're about 6" higher than your average toilet. I ended up having to pull my carry-on luggage into the bathroom and did almost the same thing you did. My husband thought I was insane, but it worked! It's all about leverage!!! At home, I do a "lean back and wiggle hips back and forth" to get some movement going. Also, I drink a glass of prune juice every night. I feel like an 80 year old. [Read More]

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What can i give my baby for constipation - The Happiest Baby on the Block

        First off, the term Colic is a generic term which means the baby is uncomfortable. A lot of people are naive to this and think it's an actual illness. 2nd. What can i give my baby for constipation I really really really recommend you read "the Happiest Baby on the Block". You don't even actually have to buy it. Just download the sample. The Author Dr. Harvey Karp gives away everything in the first couple paragraphs. He explains his reasoning and his method which is very logical. Also his CV is awesome. I also suggest you look him up on YouTube. you'll think he's crazy, but it works. I went through almost exactly what your going through now, I posted right here in reddit just like you, and got the same advice I'm giving you now. 20 months later my daughter is healthy happy and strong!

        CV stands for "Curriculum Vitae," which is a document somewhat similar to a Resume. The 5S method is really what the book is about. It's important to pay attention to the particulars, swaddling was the tuff one for me. once you've mastered it I would try using it to relax the baby before feeding.

What can i give my baby for constipation?

        Oh and yes there aren't many videos but the few that you have found are the ones I'm referring too. I found them helpful in understanding how to execute the 5S

        Just wanted to pipe in and suggest you might have to use the amino acid based formula (forget the name) if dairy and soy sensitivities are bad enough. Do you know if soy is ok? I breastfed for as long as mine would let me and had to switch to formula. He is SUPER sensitive to dairy proteins but was ok with soy. We used Baby's Only (says toddler formula but it's not).

        Well as long as he/she isn't shitting what amounts to be rocks he/she isn't constipated. Which is good, I can't speak on formula fed babies stool because my daughter was exclusively breast fed for the 1st 3 months, and mainly breast fed the 2nd 3 months.

What can i give my baby for constipation

Have you guys tried breast feeding? If not why? If so what was the result?

        The terms aren't really interchangeable... they're documents that include many of the same elements but some different ones and have drastically different expected lengths. Certain fields in the US require the use of a CV instead of or in addition to a resume, especially academia.

        I do understand your point. But I live in Sweden and have never been asked for a resumé. Every job, I've ever applied for here (which is dozens) have requested a CV, whereas it was the opposite in the States. So, while they're content is a bit different, the function is the same. And in the context of "Dr. Karp's CV is awesome" they're interchangeable.  [Read More]

Monday, December 22, 2014

High fiber foods for constipation - Eat fibrous food like whole grains and veggies each day

       Eat high fiber foods for constipation like whole grains and veggies each day, yogurt helps too and obviously a shit load of water. If not, some go the daily stool softener route to keep it regular. The latter isn't as healthy but both will get shit moving, literally.

       Drink twice as much water as you think you want to. Eat a good bowl of grain cereal a day. Like Fiberbran or Cheerios ect. Eat some corn or something like that instead if cereal ain't your deal. EXERCISE moving around even walking gets your system going.
If I have been having constipation anyway which happens sometimes when you use a lot of opiates I will make sure to not use for a good 20 hours so that I'm starting to WD ...that gets shit moving.

       I have a present issue with suboxone constipation. sub constipation isn't as bad as full-on dope addiction constipation but still I've gone like 4-5 days without shitting which feelsbadman. tons of water does help. I use propylene glycol as a stool softener when it's really bad. tbh though I think my constipation is due more to my diet than the subs by itself, because if I have a big greasy meal I end up destroying the toilet within a couple of hours. the propylene glycol stool softener I believe is prescription but I don't see why any doctor would have a problem prescribing it. in fact i'm relatively certain any OTC softeners would be legit as well. I want eat high fiber foods for constipation

High fiber foods for constipation

       IME, conversely, avoid laxatives like the plague. stool softeners is one thing, but laxatives are like colon blow-type shit. the one time I took dulcolax, I was a heavy dope user and hadn't shit in like a week; I took HALF of the recommended dose and about two hours later it felt like knives were stabbing me in the abdomen. it hurt so badly I couldn't push (to help it along) because of the stabbing pains from the cramps. I began pouring sweat while sitting on the shitter, literal blobs of perspiration running down my back, face, chest, everywhere. it hurt so badly I was contemplating telling my gf at the time to call 911 or something. it seriously felt like something was wrong, like my intestines were on the verge of splitting or something. anyways, after about an hour of agony on the toilet, I managed to pass the week-old dried out, compressed poo cork, and then BOOSH!! I was shitting first hard chunks, then a huge normal turd, then a humongous soft serve-style shit, and then a chocolate fountain of feces, vomiting out my bunghole. that shit cleaned me the fuck out. after taking like 5 dumps I ended up immediately getting high again because my abdomen still hurt, and when I woke up the next day my abdominal muscles were still sore, like I had just done 1000 crunches the day before or something. so the intense, lingering pain accompanied with the alarming side effects (which again almost convinced me to call for medical help) convinced me to never, ever use hardcore laxatives ever again. especially after being bound up for days on end, who knows how impacted that shit could have been after a week. potentially dangerous stuff, man. edit- real quick sidenote: that's how they caught brett favre's (at the time) hydrocodone addiction; he ended up going to the hospital because of adominal pains and it ended up he had an impacted stool all shoved up in his shit that I believe (but don't quote me on it) had to be surgically removed scary stuff. make sure you guys poop, people high fiber foods for constipation. [Read More]

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Pregnancy and Constipation - Doctor gave me advice to help constipation, though you ladies would like to know!

        I had an appointment a few days ago and we were talking about vitamins and she was telling me how good vitamin c is for us pregnant women and then she slipped me some much needed advice she said that you can't overdose on vitamin c but if I'm constipated I can get the gummy or chewable kind and munch on it and once my body gets enough in order to get rid of the extras it will give you the runs and help pregnancy and constipation. So hubby bought me a little jar and I began munching and low and behold within an hour duty called. So vitamin c can really help if your constipated and luckily it tastes pretty great.

        I've read that mega-dosing on vitamin C can cause miscarriages. It might have just been an issue during early pregnancy, and I'm sure you'd need to take a hell of a lot of it, but still, be careful. I'll go see if I can find where I read that. and advice to help constipation
About 45% of women with confirmed pregnancies are successful when using vitamin c (ascorbic acid) with the purpose to end a pregnancy at home. Vitamin C can cause self induced miscarriage or abortion in the doses of 6000 to 10000mg. Excess vitamin C during the first month of pregnancy could suppress the production of progesterone which responsible for a miscarriage in women.
So its probably ok to take supplements if you're farther along, but be careful if you're in early pregnancy. And I want to mention that its silly when its said that you can't over dose on something, because you can overdose on ANYTHING. Even if your body flushes out what it doesn't use, it still has to digest it all, and that can be damaging to your kidneys, liver, etc.

        Vitamin C is generally safe in excess of the 100% found in most vitamins but if it were me I would do some more research before making it a daily thing:

"Pregnancy and Breastfeeding"
        Vitamin C intake from food is generally considered safe during pregnancy. It is not clear if vitamin C supplementation in amounts exceeding Dietary Reference Intake recommendations is safe or beneficial during pregnancy. There are rare reports of scurvy due to tolerance or resistance in infants born to mothers taking extra vitamin C throughout the pregnancy. The data are too few to say if vitamin C supplementation alone or combined with other supplements is beneficial during pregnancy. Preterm birth may increase with vitamin C supplementation."

        That's funny. I was constipated for months when I got pregnant and the only thing that finally helped me was eating mandarin oranges. I eat about 2 or 3 a day and you could set a watch by my bowel movements now.  [Read More]

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Diet to avoid constipation - Diet for 3 year old with constipation?

         I strongly encourage you to follow your pediatrician's advice and get your child back on the daily Restoralax. Forget the "unnatural" woo. This is a huge diet to avoid constipation problem for kids and it can cause real trauma and real medical issues. If his diet is as described he's probably constipated because he's withholding poo. This starts the vicious cycle. The straining that he's doing can also be him trying not to poo. Withholding also causes the poo it to sit in his colon too long and lose water. This it can cause bowel distension and they won't be able to feel when they have to go. Please don't withhold a totally safe medication from your child because it seems unnatural!

         My now 3.5 year old had this problem a year ago. Started withholding, got chronically constipated. We started Restoralax 1x a day at the full adult dose. We used it religiously until her stool was consistently soft. After being on it for a few weeks at full dose we cut back slowly. We probably used it off and on for a few months on advice of our ped. It fixed the diet to avoid constipation problem. She had a similar diet to your child, lots of fruit and veg and water. She was constipated because she was withholding poo and it was getting dehydrated. After being on Restoralax her problem was fixed because it didn't hurt to poo any more and she wasn't afraid to go. She is now "regular" on the same diet she was on before.

         I sincerely apologize. Seriously, I'm very sorry for implying that because I know how stressful this is. I thought that you were withholding a med in favour of a more natural solution. The stuff was like a miracle to us. The root of our problem wasn't diet though, it was poo withholding and the fear that went along with it. It doesn't matter how much fibre or water or fruit you eat, if you don't get that waste out of the colon it will 'dry out'. We also used the hilariously titled book "It hurts when I poop" for some behaviour modification along with the med. I wouldn't be worried about long term effects if the dr's ok with it, and I'd probably give the full adult dose until the poo was soft and regular. Like I said, once we got the poo soft, and she wasn't afraid any more, we were able to back off the med. Oh and yes, the price point on the name brand Restoralax is ridiculous. There is a "Shoppers" version that's about 3/4 the price.

Diet to avoid constipation

         It won't stop me from feeling terrible for the accusation though. Here's a synopsis of our program that we kind of developed with our ped. We would read that "poop" book several times a day. It's a bit weird to read a book like that but it's actually great and seemed to work wonders. (read the Amazon reviews) It's about a little boy who's afraid to poo because it hurts told mostly from the child's point of view. It talks about poop, what is is, and how it won't just go away. It talked about good and bad foods. It talked about how it is his responsibility to take care of getting rid of the poop. It was a bit beyond my 2.5 year old at the time but she basically understood, and loved that stupid book. It's probably much more appropriate for your little guy.

         There are behaviour modification programs that involve timed sitting on the potty etc, but we took another route that we thought would work with our kid. Instead of constantly bugging her about the potty we totally stopped all the talk about poop. We wouldn't mention it, we wouldn't ask her to try to go, or if she went. We dismantled the power struggle and put it into her hands. It was her responsibility to poop, it was our responsibility to make sure that her poo was soft (with both diet and the meds). From beginning of diet to avoid constipation problem to the end of it was probably about 3 months in total. When the withholding went away, the constipation went away. Hope that this is in some way helpful. [Read More]

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Constipation During Pregnancy - What can i take for constipation during pregnancy

Could you be pregnant? Constipation (like, severe constipation) is one of the lesser known pregnancy side effects. I would think the gluten could cause problems, but not problems that would go on this long. Take a magnesium supplement (citrate or bisglycinate) - about 800mg or more a day. That should get things moving again, plus magnesium is an important supplement for many processes of the body, so you need it anyway.

Are you getting enough sleep? For whatever reason, when I don't get enough sleep, I get constipated. Stress can do it too. Another kinda weird thing I do to get things moving when I am chronically under-sleeping is to take a day and eat only fruit and vegetables (and I mean A LOT of fruit and vegetables). That always helps.

I don't think you should cut down on meats & eggs, as you want a variety of protein sources. Eggs in particular are rich in vitamins we tend to be deficient in, such as selenium and chromium. However, do you make sure 50% of your plate is vegetables to go with that protein? That's the general rule of thumb for good health. Do you have leafy greens in your diet? When I don't get enough greens I get super constipated. Hope all my comments on the page helped.

Constipation During Pregnancy

It could definitely be the coffee. It is a laxative. Are you getting enough soluble fiber? Most common source is grains, so you might be taking in less now on Paleo. Here are some paleo foods. Another supplement you might consider is acacia Senegal, sold on the same site. This is probably going to sound like heresy here, but try cutting down on fiber. For me i had the same problem, and basically went on keto/paleo diet and that results in a lot more fiber in my diet. I went from BM every 2 days (pre paleo) to BM 1x per week and painful! After a frustrating month, i did some research, found I cut fiber out completely (except for maybe a cup of mixed greens for breakfeast). Within 2 days i was having painfree BM 1x per day at same time of day! I never had anything like that, even pre paleo. Give it a shot.

Maybe try some probiotics? I've been eating a lot of yogurt and probiotic drinks ... Hasn't been helping. That's probably because commercial yogurt and most probiotic yogurt drinks at the store have realistically, almost no probiotics. Did a bunch of research when I had to take probiotics myself. There are certainly not enough to help your gut. Try making some homemade yogurt !  [Read More]