
Thursday, November 20, 2014

How To Home Remedies Immediate Constipation Relief

        Anyone else suffering from home remedies immediate constipation relief? Do you have any good suggestions to alleviate it? One doctor had me take magnesium citrate (now and forever known simply as poop juice) which worked after 12 hours, but I was constipated again within 48. My OB has me taking 100mg twice a day of Colace and so far, 24 hours later, nothing. I've tried eating tons of prunes and upping my fluid intake. Nothing seems to work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

        I am not a medical expert, but when I complained of home remedies immediate constipation relief my midwife suggested yogurt (a good one with active cultures) and granny smith or gala apples for breakfast. After 3 days of that, I pooped a mountain.

        Colace won't make you go, but it will make things a lot easier when it finally happens. Are you drinking caffeine? I do half caf in the morning to keep headaches at bay and that usually does the trick.

        If you're not opposed to some caffeine (and a bit won't hurt you or baby as you can have up to 200mg a day) a cup of coffee may help, also, if it gets really bad my husband and I go for crappy chinese food or mcDonalds... neither of which are healthy alternatives... but they help me of immediate constipation relief!

        When I started getting constipated, I changed my daily meal plans. Oatmeal, yogurt with active cultures, and an apple for breakfast (plus caffeinated tea). Whole wheat tortilla with chicken, spinach, and parmesean cheese plus a couple of carrots dipped in hummus for lunch. Small protein (chicken or pork chop) plus brown rice and broccoli or green beans for dinner. Dried fruit (figs, cranberries, apricots) or nuts for snacks and TONS of water ... like 16 oz per hour at work (8 hours per day) plus more at lunch and dinner.

Visit This Site : Constipation Remedies

        Colace and fiber pills. seriously - metamucil or psyllium husks - they are the bomb for bulk producers and help so much. I'd be VERY careful with any stimulate laxatives (as soon as I'm not in the middle of making cookies I'll find you the actual names you need to look for) because they have been shown to have somewhat questionable effects on absorption of food, which is not desirable during pregnancy for immediate constipation relief.

        High dose vit C is usually mentioned (plus it prevents starch marks supposedly). I've found it useful. Also for my toddler lots of blueberries do the trick (high fibre and high vit C). Finally, some people swear by putting your feet in a stool our stack of books when sitting on the toilet. Apparently it works wonders.


  1. I have not had constipation in 3 years of being vegan, but did occasionally suffer from it when I was vegetarian (8 years or so). 1/2 a pound of chicken is gonna do you no favours, and chronic constipation is a massive stress on your bowels. There's a reason that bowel cancer is prevalent in diets which are low in fibre and full of meat - you need fibre to flush that stuff out of your system. The short answer is yes, veganism can definitely help, but it's really all about eating the right things, and that's tough to call without hearing about the rest of your diet. Eat wholegrain carb sources, vegetables, fruits, legumes, and nuts. Try that out for a couple of weeks, replacing the chicken. See how you feel. I'd be pretty surprised if you were still constipated (and you may go in the opposite direction at first as your body adjusts to an increased fibre intake... just thought I'd warn you on that one).

    1. Thanks for the tips. I have alway kinda want to stop eating meat for ethical reasons, but this chronic problem would be more than enough to push me over.
