
Monday, December 22, 2014

High fiber foods for constipation - Eat fibrous food like whole grains and veggies each day

       Eat high fiber foods for constipation like whole grains and veggies each day, yogurt helps too and obviously a shit load of water. If not, some go the daily stool softener route to keep it regular. The latter isn't as healthy but both will get shit moving, literally.

       Drink twice as much water as you think you want to. Eat a good bowl of grain cereal a day. Like Fiberbran or Cheerios ect. Eat some corn or something like that instead if cereal ain't your deal. EXERCISE moving around even walking gets your system going.
If I have been having constipation anyway which happens sometimes when you use a lot of opiates I will make sure to not use for a good 20 hours so that I'm starting to WD ...that gets shit moving.

       I have a present issue with suboxone constipation. sub constipation isn't as bad as full-on dope addiction constipation but still I've gone like 4-5 days without shitting which feelsbadman. tons of water does help. I use propylene glycol as a stool softener when it's really bad. tbh though I think my constipation is due more to my diet than the subs by itself, because if I have a big greasy meal I end up destroying the toilet within a couple of hours. the propylene glycol stool softener I believe is prescription but I don't see why any doctor would have a problem prescribing it. in fact i'm relatively certain any OTC softeners would be legit as well. I want eat high fiber foods for constipation

High fiber foods for constipation

       IME, conversely, avoid laxatives like the plague. stool softeners is one thing, but laxatives are like colon blow-type shit. the one time I took dulcolax, I was a heavy dope user and hadn't shit in like a week; I took HALF of the recommended dose and about two hours later it felt like knives were stabbing me in the abdomen. it hurt so badly I couldn't push (to help it along) because of the stabbing pains from the cramps. I began pouring sweat while sitting on the shitter, literal blobs of perspiration running down my back, face, chest, everywhere. it hurt so badly I was contemplating telling my gf at the time to call 911 or something. it seriously felt like something was wrong, like my intestines were on the verge of splitting or something. anyways, after about an hour of agony on the toilet, I managed to pass the week-old dried out, compressed poo cork, and then BOOSH!! I was shitting first hard chunks, then a huge normal turd, then a humongous soft serve-style shit, and then a chocolate fountain of feces, vomiting out my bunghole. that shit cleaned me the fuck out. after taking like 5 dumps I ended up immediately getting high again because my abdomen still hurt, and when I woke up the next day my abdominal muscles were still sore, like I had just done 1000 crunches the day before or something. so the intense, lingering pain accompanied with the alarming side effects (which again almost convinced me to call for medical help) convinced me to never, ever use hardcore laxatives ever again. especially after being bound up for days on end, who knows how impacted that shit could have been after a week. potentially dangerous stuff, man. edit- real quick sidenote: that's how they caught brett favre's (at the time) hydrocodone addiction; he ended up going to the hospital because of adominal pains and it ended up he had an impacted stool all shoved up in his shit that I believe (but don't quote me on it) had to be surgically removed scary stuff. make sure you guys poop, people high fiber foods for constipation. [Read More]


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